RARE BOOK “THE PERFECT ZOO” By Eleanor Farjeon & Illustrated by Katy Kruse – 1920’s
This book is considered RARE and hard to find. When I originally purchased this I was told it was a 1st edition but it just says on the inside First Published in 1929 and published by George G. Harrap & Co. Ltd, London. I have owned it for over 40 years and it does not appear to be a re-print but I am no expert in books but all my research on this book does point to it being a First Edition as there were examples of the same book with the same binding and none under $200AUD so I believe I have priced this very fairly.
It is not in perfect condition but overall very sturdy. It is oblong and measures approximately 10.9″ x 8.6″. It is illustrated with 12 colour photographic plates with the scenes showing Steiff toy animals and it was Katy Kruse that was responsible for the illustrations according to my research. This information was on the first page of the book that is unfortunately missing.
The front board cover shows 2 dogs, a monkey, a rabbit and a brown bear all in multi coloured hot air balloons being waved off by 2 female white bears on the ground. It has a green cloth spine that needs some repair and there is wear around the cover, a hole and the original owners details written on it. Inside it again has the original owners name and the original price of the book. There is foxing to the pages from age and some tears and it was obviously a much loved book. The beautiful prints are lovely and bright and only minor foxing mostly around the actual photo.
If you are a collector of rare books or collector of Steiff Toys this rare book will be a wonderful addition to any collection.
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