This is a gorgeous antique German doll that is a make up of the head and the antique body but totally appropriate for this doll. It now just requires putting together and dressing.
The shoulder plate head is made from metal and is in beautiful condition as often these metal headed dolls chipped. She is also a very pretty doll and often they were not as pretty as this one. She is marked on the front of her shoulde rplate “Minerva” with the helmet logo and on the back of the shoulder plate with Germany 6.
She has her original glass blue eyes that may have originally been sleeping eyes but are set stationary and she has her original row of teeth and a red tongue behind. She has a little “rough” patch on one cheek that is not very noticeable and her blonde mohair wig and cardboard pate appear to be original to her. The wig is a little sparse at the front but with some re-combing most of the cap will be covered.
The body is a kid leather body with rivets and she has composition ball jointed arms. There is an old repair to a couple of the fingers (see photo) and very old leather repairs to where her ankles join and feet. It is stuffed with excelsior (wood filling) and there is no leakage. The leather appears to have been originally pink in colour and has faded with time but is in solid condition despite it has age wear.
These larger sized metal heads are hard to find.
These unique dolls are really lovely to have amongst an antique doll collection and with a little TLC will be a beautiful addition to any collection.
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