
This antique doll has been a marriage of the head and body and as such priced cheaper than she would normally be and has some faults which I will list. She is approximately 17″ in height.

She has an antique German head that was made by Armand Marseille and is the 1894 mould. There is no damage to the bisque socket head. Her original glass eyes are stationary set and there is a stable crack to the right eye which has not captured well in the photos but is there. She has multi stroked eyebrows and delicately stroked upper and lower eyelashes as well as the usual red accent dot in the corner of each eye and her nostrils. She has an open mouth with a row of original teeth and a little dimple in her chin. She has nicely blushed cheeks with some minor rub marks on the left hand side. Her wig is not original and is a vintage replacement and whoever wigged her also gave her a foam pate. Both have been removed to stuff the head to further protect the eyes in transit.

Her body is definitely not original to her but age appropriate and is a French body and is stamped on the side. I would say though that her hands are replacements and have been painted crudely. The rest of the body is in relatively good condition for an antique composition body that may have some paint touch ups here and there. The stringing is okay.

She comes dressed in a vintage frock with ruching down the front and lace and floral accents. Underneath she has a cotton vintage petticoat and pantaloons that have age stains and require soaking to brighten them up. She also has aged stockings and lace up brown boots.

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